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Iman Diartikan Sebagai Suatu Kepercayaan Atau Sikap Batin Pengertian Ini Tidak Sesuai Dengan

Iman Diartikan Sebagai Suatu Kepercayaan Atau Sikap Batin. Pengertian Ini Tidak Sesuai Dengan

Iman: Not Just Belief

The True Meaning of Iman

The term "iman" is often translated as "faith" or "belief," but this translation is incomplete. Iman is not simply an intellectual assent to a set of beliefs; it is a comprehensive concept that encompasses the whole of one's being.

Iman as Conviction

Iman involves a firm conviction in the truth of something, not based on logical proof or evidence but on an inner certainty that transcends reason.

Iman as Submission

Iman also includes submission to God's will. This submission is not out of fear or compulsion but out of love and trust, recognizing that God's ways are perfect.

Iman as Action

Iman is not a passive belief but an active force that manifests itself in one's actions. It drives individuals to live according to God's commandments and to work towards good in the world.

Iman in Islam

In Islam, iman is considered one of the five pillars of the religion, along with prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. It is believed that iman is essential for salvation and that those who lack it will not be granted entry into paradise.

Conditions of Iman

According to Islamic teachings, true iman requires the following conditions:

  • Belief in God, the angels, the prophets, the scriptures, the Day of Judgment, and divine predestination.
  • Acceptance of God as the only Creator and Ruler of the universe.
  • Commitment to following God's teachings and commandments.

Stages of Iman

Iman is not static but rather a dynamic process that can grow and develop over time. Islamic scholars often recognize three stages of iman:

  1. Iman al-Yaqin: Faith based on external evidence and proofs.
  2. Iman al-Ayn: Faith gained through direct experience or witnessing.
  3. Iman al-Haqq: Faith that is deeply rooted and unshakeable.


Iman is a multifaceted concept that goes beyond mere belief. It encompasses a firm conviction, submission to God's will, and a commitment to righteous action. In Islam, iman is considered essential for salvation and is a dynamic process that can grow and develop throughout one's life.
